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Friday, June 26, 2009

Dispelling the myths!

In talking with people I am surprised at how much information is out there regarding business but how many people don't know how, where to research for it or even what they are looking for.

They read the sales page hype that's put out there to entice a person into thinking its all easy and a nothing is required but to sit back an let the money roll on in. The companies that have paid to have these sales pages created have done this so they have spun the web to draw you in, and a lot of people get
caught up in all the glitz, glamor and so called income that they have been told is there. So most are led blindly into the fold of never never land of where they are left disillusioned and a few thousand dollars poorer.

What I am going to try and do is try and set the stage for what really goes on and how to actually choose a business, an opportunity that is suited to you, not someone else and their pocket books. So put the credit card away and lets really think about things before going off half cocked!

That's all!

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